-Fariy tales? Pinocio - honesty? Tortoise - Patience?
Diety ? Ganesh - to encourage the idea of memory associated with childhood and something less scientific? Just ideas.
-Possible Definition words...
Memory, Memorial, Remembering, rememberance, legend?, hommage, dedication,
-Possible illustration use. Humour me, I gotta a hard time expressing this because I havent been able to work it out in my mind. I'm trying to make the connection between simple scientific definition of memory and the way we remember a person like MLK with love, emotion and how he becomes a symbol for something we have in our heart. Somehow, through the memory game, childhood association, words images we connect this illustration of MLK which in my mind is a grphic representation of him with the visual embelishment of his image, sort of in the way saints are portayed in catholicism or buddhism. What do you think of this idea? I know the illustration idea has gone a long way since it first came into discussion, and if you think it might not make sense I understand.
I see the video as we have discussed it and then possible lead ins.
-some quick shots of something non people, like sun on the water, bird in the trees, grass moving and maybe no sound, sounds of children, or maybe Ken saying the definition of MLK's word or words hope, the sound which leads into and over the illustration still.
-all the words that apply to MLk into the illustration.
like brainstorming.